DJI Inspire 2 - Counter Weight Kit

DJI Inspire 2 - Counter Weight Kit
3 Piece Counter Weight Set for DJI Inspire 2 X7
Specifically designed for Inspire 2 X7 Gimbal
Fly 25+ lenses.
Clears without rubbing, all three axis.
Fly lenses up to 400g (Anamorphic, Telephoto, Lowlight, and Ultra wide angle)
What’s Included
(1) Rear Gimbal Plate + (4) 46g Tungsten Weights
(1) Roll Arm Bracket + (2) 7g Tungsten Weights
(1) Pan Arm Bracket +(2) 46g Tungsten Weight
(2) 7g Blank disks ( Holds additional 7g derby weights that are sold on Amazon seperatly)
The i2 Kit flys lenses under 360g and 86mm in length.
3 separate adjustable counterweights for all three axis; Pan Axis, Tilt Axis, & Roll Axis.
Kits Include Tungsten Weights.
Additional Weights can be purchased separately.
Counter weights can be adjusted in seconds to fit different size / weight lenses.
Fly different lenses (anamorphic lenses, low light lenses, vintage lenses, telephoto lenses) .
Made with highly durable PETG (3D printed materials). Wont deform in hot car.
2 Year Warranty or all 3D Printed Products.
These are designed specifically for the Inspire 2 for minimal changes to aerodynamics and retain full gimbal movement on all axis.
Each kit can adjust for all three axis, (tilt, pan, roll) by adding or removing tungsten counter weights.
*This depends on lenses weight and size, and users skill and accuracy in counter balancing them; not all lenses will perform as smooth as native DL lenses and heavier / longer lenses will have vibrations at certain degrees of Tilt or Pan. This kit makes no guarantee that footage will be smooth with all lenses listed.
Dry weight is only a few grams.
Can still fly DL lenses when installed but without weight.
When using a 3rd party lens, simply install lens and add required weights until balance is achieved.
NOTE: I make no guarantee that these all these lenses can fly vibration free for all tilt angles and speeds, skill and finesse at balancing and flying are required.
You can fly lenses with either Adapters (see below) or select lenses like Sony lenses with specially designed bayonets (also see below)
Nikon 100mm f2.8 (Buy used on ebay)
DL Lens Adapters
(Buy 4 Adapters $65)
(Buy all 8 $120)
Leica M to DL $20
Nikon F to DL $20
Minolta MD to DL $20
Canon EF to DL $20
Canon FD to DL $20
Olympus OM to DL $20
M39 to DL $20
M42 to DL $20
REAR ND FILTER - FireCrest $75
Firecrest ND fits any of the adapters above, now you can fly any lens with rear mount ND. These are color nuetral and are trusted with cinematographers everywhere.
Not only does this make ND possible for every lens, (saves a ton of money), but it prevents ghosting from front mount ND, and it also adds more stability to flight by adding more weight towards the center mass. Sometimes adding weight to front of lens can make lenses much harder to balance and fly vibration free, using a Rear ND is our way around this and works very well.
Fire Crest ND 32, ND64, ND128, ND256
$75 each (these pop in and out easily and fit all the DL adapters)
Lens Bayonets
TT Artisan 50mm f0.95 APS-C to DL - Lens Bayonet for Inspire 3 $20
Laowa 9mm f5.6 to DL - Lens Bayonet for Inspire 3 $20
7 Artisan 35mm F0.95 APS-C to DL - Lens Bayonet for Inspire 3 $20
This is essential as putty can be used to more precisely trim the counter weight. Use the large weights to get in the ballpark, then use tungsten putty to get the rest of the way. You can roll thin rolls of it, and run them along the edges or ball it up and put it inside the counter weight cut outs.
Putty can be used to balance the vertical axis (when tilting camera straight down) Balance this byt tilting camera down perpendicular to floor, and small amounts of putty to the top or the bottom of camera.
Putty can also be used to secure the roll arm counter weight in cases where the magnet is not sifficing. Ball a tiny bit up and press it onto the Tilt axis motor housing before inserting the Roll Arm Counter weight bracket.
Tungsten putty can be used over and over again.
We recommend to buy at least 6-9 oz, for those times when super heavy lenses.
2. Silicon Holder for Tungsten Putty
Tungsten Putty is sticky and will eventually ooze and melt in normal room temperatures and will stick to everything except silicon. Store the putty in one of these silicone holders and you’ll never have issues.
3. Additional Tungsten Derby Weights
Buy additional Tungsten Derby weights for better trim, heavier lenses, or incase you lose the ones included in the kit. This kit offers you multiple different sizes, but only 3 of the ones offered in my kit. In my opinion, buy two of these kits and keep them with you in case.
Helps with taking counter weight plates on and off, but also with swapping the lens bayonets. This is the kit I reccomend, it has more than enough bits for most electronics / security / hex screws.